Incentives for acquiring higher qualification – DAD personnel who qualify the ICWA Intermediate and Final examination: CGDA
Office of the CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam,
Delhi Cantt-110010
No. AN/ III/ 3060/ I/ Vol. VIII
Dated 07.08.2019
All PCsDA/ PCsA (Fys.)/ PIFAs,
CsDA/ CsFA (Fys.)/ IFAs/ RTCs.
(through CGDA website).
Subject: Amendment to OM Part-I (Revised Edition 2014): Circulation of CS No. 09/2019.
Correction Slip No. 09/ 2019 of the Office Manual Part-I (Revised Edition 2014) has been uploaded on website for information and updation of OM Part-I. The Correction Slip will not be forwarded separately.
Please download the Correction Slip and update the concerned Paras of the Office Manual Part-I (Revised Edition 2014).
(Rajeev Ranjan Kumar)
Amendment to OM Part-I (Edition 2014)
Correction Slip No. 09/2019
Para 107
Sub para of Para 107
(1) Increment Rs. 2000/-(minimum)(2) Increment Rs. 4000/- “(3) Increment Rs. 6000/- “(4) Increment Rs. 8000/- “(5) & (6) Increment Rs 10000/-(maximum) Deleted.
Para 107 (i)
For- Departmental Candidates who qualify in the Intermediate of I.CW.A. Examination will be entitled to one time lump sum incentive of Rs. 4000/ – (in lieu of existing 2 advance increments);
Read- Departmental Candidates who qualify in the Intermediate of ICWA. Examination will be entitled to one time lump sum incentive of Rs. 10,000/ -; and
Para 107 (ii)
Para 107 (ii)
Para 107 (ii)
For- Departmental Candidates will be entitled to one time lump sum incentive of Rs. 10000/ – (Rs. Ten thousand only) on qualifying I.CW.A. final examination (in lieu of existing 6 increments).
Read- Departmental Candidates will be entitled to one time lump sum incentive of Rs. 15000/ – (Rs. Fifteen thousand only) on qualifying I.CWA. final examination.
Para 107 (ii)
For- All Group “B” and “C” employees of the DAD who qualify the ICWA Intermediate and Final examination will be granted the following scales of one time lumpsum incentives in supersession of existing concessions of Advance Increments available to them w.e.f. 93-94 i.e. 1-4-93.
Read- All Government employees of the DAD who qualify the ICWA Intermediate and Final examination will be granted one time lumpsum incentives in supersession of all the existing orders/ OMs/ instructions/ guidelines.
Insert note below Para 107(ii).
Note: The grant of incentive in respect of above qualifications will be subject to the fulfillment of the criteria laid down in DoP&T OM No. 1/5/2017-Estt(Pay-I) dated 15.03.2019.
Insert note below Para 107(ii).
Note: The grant of incentive in respect of above qualifications will be subject to the fulfillment of the criteria laid down in DoP&T OM No. 1/5/2017-Estt(Pay-I) dated 15.03.2019.
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