Processing of Transfer Applications of GDS under Limited Transfer Facility introduction of GDS online transfer Portal - Government Staff


Processing of Transfer Applications of GDS under Limited Transfer Facility introduction of GDS online transfer Portal

Processing of Transfer Applications of GDS under Limited Transfer Facility introduction of GDS online transfer Portal – DoP Order Dated 28 November 2022


No.17.31/2016 -GDS

Government of India

Ministry of Communications

Department of Posts

(GDS Section)


Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,

New Delhi-110 001

Dated 28.112022



All Chief Postmasters General


Subject: Processing of transfer applications of GDS under limited transfer facility- introduction of GDS online transfer Portal.




Please refer to this office letter no 17-31/2016GDS dated 20.09.2022 whereby it was interalia, informed that an online Portal for processing transfer applications of GDS is being prepared by the CEPT and therefore, it was also directed as under:


(i) GDSs may be allowed to submit their requests for transfer only till 15.10.2022. No application for GDS transfer will be entertained in the manual mode after 15.10.2022 under any circumstances.

(ii) Circles/ Regions/ Divisions shall finalize all the pending requests for Limited Transfer (received upto 15.10.2022) by 30.11.2022.



2. It is understood that the Circles would have completed the above exercise within the time lines specified. In this context, it is informed that CEPT in process of finalizing different modules in respect of GDS Transfer and some of the modules have already been finalized. In order to the expedite the process, following timelines have been prescribed for CEPT for development of the remaining modules and for Circles to process the transfer applications:




Timeline for CEPT for development / modification in modules

Timelines for Divisions / Circles


Master Data entry of the GDS vacancies by the Unit Divisions


28 11.2022 to 05.12.2022


Updation of mobile numbers of the GDS seeking transfers with the Divisions in the portal to create login credentials

28.11.2022 to 07.12.2022


Online Registration and submission application by the GDS applicants seeking transfer


08.12.2022 to 14.12.2022


Verification of online applications by the Divisions


15.12.2022 to 18.12.2022


Completion of system process


19 12.2022 to 21.12.2022


Verification of Transfer process as test check for one Division each per Circle

22.12.2022 to 24.12.2022


Online list of transfers approved




MIS Module



Relieve the GDS to join in the new Post



3. Vacancy calculation for GPS online software:


Vacancies arising due to discharge from engagement from 01.07.2022 to 31.12.2022 voluntary discharge from engagement, resignations, promotion on regular departmental posts up to 30.11.2022 will be taken into consideration for transfer. In addition to the unfilled post of the earlier Cycles for which the panel has been exhausted and the posts fell vacant in the ongoing GDS online engagement Cycle IV (upto 30.11.2022) due to resignations of the incumbents after joining would also be taken into consideration. This exercise is to be carried out by the Divisions between 28.11.2022 to 05.12.2022. The CEPT will share ‘URL’ for Rule 3 Transfer of GDS and would also share the login credentials with the Divisions and the manner in which the data entry is to be carried out by 28.11.2022. The instructions to use the Portal/URL would also be available in the URL itself.


Order of Priority: –

 a. The applications submitted by the applicants received in the login of the Divisional Unit Head (where GDS is presently working) The email pop up message on the same will also be received by the Divisional Unit Head

b. Date of engagement shall be considered for deciding order of priority of all such applications However, the PwD candidate will give preference irrespective of date of engagement

c. In case of tie in date of engagement, date of birth shall be considered for deciding order of priority.

The detailed instructions for the GDS applicants and for Divisional/Unit Heads is annexed as Annexure.


4. In addition to above all the HoCs are requested to ensure completion of the following tasks also for notification of GDS vacancies in Schedule -I (January) 2023:



(i) Vacancy calculation for notification in Schedule-I (January) 2023: After completion of the online transfer process all the vacancies including falling vacant due to deputation of GDS to APS and IPPB (for more than six months), as prescribed vide this office Om No. No.l7-31/2016-GDS(pt) dated 25.11.2022 would be calculated and intimated to this office as well as to the CEPT by 05.01.2023.

(ii) The notification for GDS Online Engagement will tentatively be issued simultaneously by all the Divisions on 19.01.2023 in Schedule -I (January) 2023 by notifying all the vacancies mentioned in Para 5(i).

(iii) Circles must complete/ finalize conducting of CCE and review of Compassionate cases by conducting special CCE before notifications of vacancies.

(iv) Vacancies must be uploaded by Divisions as per the schedule to be conveyed by the CEPT in their consultation.

(v) Further process in respect of the vacancies already in pipeline under Cycle IV for which the verification process/ joining process is under way, will continue as per the time lines given m the notification issued in May 2022.

(vi) All HOCs may ensure that engaging units are strictly following already approved and circulated model notifications to notify GDS vacancies through GDS online engagement process.



Yours faithfully,


(Ravi Pahwa)

Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)

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