के जवानों को मोदी सरकार ने दिया बड़ा झटका
7th CPC Military
Service Pay (MSP) – Govt Rejects Main Demand of Equal
Central Government has rejected the
main demand for higher Military Service Pay for Junior Commissioned Officers.
As per the media news today, the Army Headquarters was very upset over
the decision of the Finance Ministry. Around 1.12 lakh military personnel
including 87,646 Junior Commissioned Officers and 25,434 personnel of
equivalent rank from the Navy and the India Air Force will be impacted by the
The Defence Force Personnel, particularly the JCOs in Army, demanded to
increase the MSP from Rs.5200 to Rs.10000. Earlier the 7th Central Pay
Commission has applied a common multiplication factor of 2.57 on MSP of JCOs
and ORs. As per methodology, the MSP has been raised to Rs.5200 pm from Rs.2000
· वर्तमान मोदी सरकार समय समय पर कहती रहती है की वो सेना के जवानों के लिए समर्पित
है और खुद प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी होली
– दिवाली जैसे बड़े त्योंहार सेना के जवानों के साथ मानने सेना की अलग अलग यूनिट मे
जाते है ।
सेना के JCO रैंक के लिए MSP को ₹10000 करने की
मांग एकदम जायज है और technically सही भी है - the Group ‘B’
officers in Military Nursing Service (MNS), MSP had been fixed Rs.10800 pm. All
JCOs are also Group ‘B’ officers so they must be paid 10000 as MSP. The long
pending demand on MSP that the 7th Pay commission forgot
to consider that both JOCs and MNS are Equivalents as Group ‘B’ Officers.
· बड़ी बात तो यह है की सरकार भी 7वें वेतन आयोगकी इस गलती/भूल को सुधारना नहीं
चाहती है। सरकार के इस रुख से सरकार की कथनी और करनी मे फर्क साफ नजर आ रहा है।
Whereas, Army had demanded to raise the MSP to Rs.10000 pm for Other
Ranks (ORs) also Considering the Hard and Very Unusual Life conditions of
Jawans during the entire service duration.
· सरकार ने फौजी भाइयों की इस वाजिब मांग को ठुकराकर एक बार फिर से यह सिद्ध कर
दिया है की वो देश के रक्षकों के प्रति कितनी उदासीन है।
The 7th CPC recommended the rates of MSP was as follows:
Existing Rate of MSP
Recommended by 7th CPC
Service Officers
Nursing Officers
Non-Combatants (Enrolled) in
the Air Force
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