AICPIN For November 2023: जनवरी 2024 से डीए 50 प्रतिशत के पार, जाने पूरी केल्कुलेशन
What is Dearness Allowance (DA) and Dearness Relief (DR)?
The Dearness Allowance (DA) and Dearness Relief (DR) is a calculation on inflation and allowance paid to government employees (including public sector employees as public sector employees are also government employees) and pensioners in India.
Allowance is calculated as a percentage of an Indian citizen's basic salary to ease
the effect of inflation on people. Indian citizens may receive a basic salary
or pension that is then supplemented by dearness allowance. Dearness Allowance
(DA) and Dearness Relief (DR) is a fully taxable allowance.
Also Read: DA Calculator Jan 2024
How DA is Calculated?
Consumer Price Index for Industrial workers (CPI-IW) or AICPIN
is the key factor for calculation of Dearness Allowance (DA) for Government
Employees and Dearness Relief (DR) for Pensioners.
What is the AICPIN For November 2023?
The All-India CPI-IW for November,2023 increased by 0.7 points
and stood at 139.1 (one hundred thirty-nine point one). On One-month percentage
change, it increased by 0.51 per cent with respect to previous month whereas it
remained stationary between corresponding months a year ago.
Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (2016=100) – November, 2023
The Labour Bureau, an attached office of the M/o Labour & Employment, has been compiling Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers every month on the basis of retail prices collected from 317 markets spread over 88 industrially important centres in the country. The index is compiled for 88 centres and All-India and is released on the last working day of succeeding month. The index for the month of November, 2023 is being released in this press release.
The All-India CPI-IW for November, 2023 increased by 0.7 points and stood at 139.1 (one hundred thirty nine point one). On 1-month percentage change, it increased by 0.51 per cent with respect to previous month whereas it remained stationary between corresponding months a year ago.
The maximum upward pressure in current index came from Food & Beverages group contributing 0.65 percentage points to the total change. At item level, Rice, Wheat, Wheat Atta, Jowar, Arhar Dal/Tur Dal, Urd Dal, Eggs-Hen, Gingelly oil, Coconut fresh with Pulp, Carrot, Drum-stick, French beans, Garlic, Lady’s Finger, Onion, Tomato, Sugar-White, Cumin seed/Jira, Cooked Meals, Zarda/kimam/Surti/Gutka, Leaf Tobacco, Tailoring Charges, Trouser Pants readymade, Leather Sandal/Chappal/Slippers, Electricity Charges (Domestic), Books-School/ITI, Tuition and other fees-College, etc. are responsible for the rise in index. However, this increase was largely checked by Fish Fresh, Poultry/Chicken, Soyabean oil, Sunflower Oil, Apple, Banana, Grapes, Orange, Capsicum, Cauliflower, Chillies Green, Ginger, Lemon, Peas, Medicine Allopathic, etc. putting downward pressure on the index.
At centre level, Tirunelveli recorded a maximum increase of 4.1 points. Among others, 3 centres recorded increase between 3 to 3.9 points, 5 centres between 2 to 2.9 points, 19 centres between 1 to 1.9 points and 36 centres between 0.1 to 0.9 points. On the contrary, Gurugram recorded a maximum decrease of 1.5 points followed by Ahmedabad and Kollam with 1.0 point each. Among others, 18 centres recorded decrease between 0.1 to 0.9 points. Rest of three centres’ index remained stationary.
Year-on-year inflation for the month stood at 4.98 per cent compared to 4.45 per cent for the previous month and 5.41 per cent during the corresponding month a year before. Similarly, Food inflation stood at 7.95 per cent against 6.27 per cent of the previous month and 4.30 per cent during the corresponding month a year ago.
श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय के संबद्ध कार्यालय श्रम ब्यूरो द्वारा देश के 88 महत्वपूर्ण औद्योगिक केंद्रों के 317 बाजारों से एकत्रित खुदरा मूल्यों के आधार पर हर महीने औद्योगिक श्रमिकों के लिए उपभोक्ता मूल्य सूचकांक का संकलन किया जाता है। यह सूचकांक 88 केंद्रों और अखिल भारतीय स्तर के लिए संकलित किया जाता है और आगामी महीने के अंतिम कार्यदिवस पर जारी किया जाता है। इस प्रेस विज्ञप्ति में नवंबर, 2023 महीने का सूचकांक जारी किया जा रहा है।
नवंबर 2023 के लिए अखिल भारतीय सीपीआई-आईडब्ल्यू 0.7 अंक बढ़कर 139.1 (एक सौ उनतालीस दशमलव एक) हो गया। एक महीने के प्रतिशत परिवर्तन के आधार पर, पिछले महीने की तुलना में इसमें 0.51 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि हुई है, जबकि एक साल पहले इसी महीने के दौरान यह स्थिर रहा।
वर्तमान सूचकांक में दर्ज वृद्धि में सबसे अधिक योगदान खाद्य और पेय पदार्थ समूह का रहा, जिसने कुल परिवर्तन में 0.65 प्रतिशत अंक का योगदान दिया। मदों के स्तर पर, चावल, गेहूं, गेहूं का आटा, ज्वार, अरहर दाल/तूर दाल, उड़द दाल, मुर्गी के अंडे, तिल का तेल, ताजा नारियल पल्प के साथ, गाजर, ड्रम-स्टिक, फ्रेंच बीन, लहसुन, भिंडी, प्याज, टमाटर, चीनी, जीरा, पका हुआ भोजन, जर्दा/किमाम/सुरती/गुटखा, तंबाकू पत्ता, सिलाई शुल्क, रेडीमेड ट्राउजर पैंट, चमड़े के सैंडल/चप्पल/स्लिपर्स, घरेलू बिजली शुल्क, स्कूल/आईटीआई की पुस्तकें, कॉलेज की ट्यूशन और अन्य फीस आदि सूचकांक में वृद्धि के लिए सहायक रहे। हालांकि, ताजा मछली, पोल्ट्री/चिकन, सोयाबीन तेल, सूरजमुखी का तेल, सेब, केला, अंगूर, संतरा, शिमला मिर्च, फूलगोभी, हरी मिर्च, अदरक, नींबू, मटर, एलोपैथिक दवाइयां आदि ने सूचकांक में दर्ज वृद्धि को नियंत्रित किया।
केंद्र-स्तर पर तिरुनेलवेली के सूचकांक में अधिकतम 4.1 अंक की वृद्धि दर्ज की गई। अन्य 3 केंद्रों में 3 से 3.9 अंक, 5 केंद्रों में 2 से 2.9 अंक, 19 केंद्रों में 1 से 1.9 अंक और 36 केंद्रों में 0.1 से 0.9 अंक के बीच वृद्धि दर्ज की गई। इसके विपरीत, गुरुग्राम में अधिकतम 1.5 अंक की कमी दर्ज की गई, इसके बाद अहमदाबाद और कोल्लम में 1.0 अंक की कमी दर्ज की गई। अन्य केंद्रों में 18 केंद्रों 0.1 से 0.9 अंक के बीच कमी दर्ज की गई। बाकी तीन केन्द्रों का सूचकांक स्थिर रहा।
नवंबर 2023 के लिए वर्ष-दर-वर्ष मुद्रास्फीति 4.98 प्रतिशत रही जबकि पिछले महीने यह 4.45 प्रतिशत थी और एक वर्ष पहले इसी महीने में यह 5.41 प्रतिशत थी। इसी तरह, खाद्य-स्फीति दर पिछले महीने के 6.27 प्रतिशत की तुलना में 7.95 प्रतिशत रही जबकि एक वर्ष पहले इसी महीने के दौरान यह 4.30 प्रतिशत थी।
CPI-IW November 2023
Why to Calculate Expected DA?
calculation of Dearness Allowance (DA) and Dearness Relief (DR) is a useful
tool for government employees and Pensioners to estimate their future salary
and Pension and plan their expenses accordingly.
Calculation for Expected DA from January 2024
Calculation for Expected DA from January 2024, AICPIN/CPI-IW points for
past 12 months are used. Average of last 12 months CPI-IW is taken on account
for DA Calculation for the current month.
Below tables will explain the expected DA from Jan
2024 calculation for central Govt Employees and Pensioners-
Condition-1: if CPI-IW Numbers remains same for next one months.
Jan 2023 |
132.8 |
129.87 |
43.07 |
43 |
Feb 2023 |
132.7 |
130.51 |
43.78 |
43 |
Mar 2023 |
133.3 |
131.12 |
44.45 |
44 |
Apr 2023 |
134.2 |
131.66 |
45.05 |
45 |
May 2023 |
134.7 |
132.13 |
45.57 |
45 |
Jun 2023 |
136.4 |
132.73 |
46.23 |
46 |
Jul 2023 |
139.7 |
133.55 |
47.13 |
47 |
Aug 2023 |
139.2 |
134.30 |
47.96 |
47 |
Sep 2023 |
137.5 |
134.82 |
48.53 |
48 |
Oct 2023 |
138.4 |
135.31 |
49.07 |
49 |
Nov2023 |
139.1 |
135.86 |
49.67 |
49 |
Dec 2023 |
139.1 |
136.43 |
50.30 |
50 |
JAN 2024 |
Condition-2: if CPI-IW Numbers increased by 0.5 for next
one month.
Jan 2023 |
132.8 |
129.87 |
43.07 |
43 |
Feb 2023 |
132.7 |
130.51 |
43.78 |
43 |
Mar 2023 |
133.3 |
131.12 |
44.45 |
44 |
Apr 2023 |
134.2 |
131.66 |
45.05 |
45 |
May 2023 |
134.7 |
132.13 |
45.57 |
45 |
Jun 2023 |
136.4 |
132.73 |
46.23 |
46 |
Jul 2023 |
139.7 |
133.55 |
47.13 |
47 |
Aug 2023 |
139.2 |
134.30 |
47.96 |
47 |
Sep 2023 |
137.5 |
134.82 |
48.53 |
48 |
Oct 2023 |
138.4 |
135.31 |
49.07 |
49 |
Nov 2023 |
139.1 |
135.86 |
49.67 |
49 |
Dec 2023 |
139.6 |
136.47 |
50.34 |
50 |
JAN 2024 |
Condition-3: if CPI-IW Numbers decreased by 0.5 for next
one month.
Jan 2023 |
132.8 |
129.87 |
43.07 |
43 |
Feb 2023 |
132.7 |
130.51 |
43.78 |
43 |
Mar 2023 |
133.3 |
131.12 |
44.45 |
44 |
Apr 2023 |
134.2 |
131.66 |
45.05 |
45 |
May 2023 |
134.7 |
132.13 |
45.57 |
45 |
Jun 2023 |
136.4 |
132.73 |
46.23 |
46 |
Jul 2023 |
139.7 |
133.55 |
47.13 |
47 |
Aug 2023 |
139.2 |
134.30 |
47.96 |
47 |
Sep 2023 |
137.5 |
134.82 |
48.53 |
48 |
Oct 2023 |
138.4 |
135.31 |
49.07 |
49 |
Nov 2023 |
139.1 |
135.86 |
49.67 |
49 |
Dec 2023 |
138.6 |
136.38 |
50.25 |
50 |
JAN 2024 |
What will be the expected most likely rate of DA from January 2024?
On studying the above three condition, we found
that in all condition DA calculation is set to 50%. Thus 4% hike in DA/DR is
more likely from 46% to 50% wef. 01 January 2024 for government employees and
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
Q: What is the expected DA for January 2024?
Ans: As per best possible calculation based on the CPI-IW (AICPIN)
numbers till November 2023 by Labour Bureau, expected DA from January 2024 is
50 percent. It will benefit around 50 lakh central government employees and 62
lakh pensioners.
Q: What happens if DA reaches 50 percent?
Ans: It is a practice to combine dearness allowance with basic salary
once the DA percentage crosses the 50% mark. It is a great salary booster for
employees as all the other parts of the salary is calculated keeping basic
salary as the base. When DA reaches 50 percent mark, the following allowances
will be increased by 25 percent-
1. House Rent Allowance
2. Children Education
Allowance (CEA)
3. Special Allowance for
Child Care
4. Hostel Subsidy
5. TA on Transfer
(Transportation of Personal Effects)
6. Gratuity Ceiling
7. Dress Allowance
8. Mileage Allowance for
Own Transport
9. Daily Allowance
Also Read: डीए 50% होने पर कोनसे Allowance बढ़ेंगे और कितने?
Q: What is the expected DA for July 2024?
Ans: As per best possible calculation using AICPIN by Labour Bureau, expected
DA for July 2024 is 54 percent.
What is the DA percentage for 2024?
The hike in the CPI-IW Index for November results in a 4% increase in DA
from January 2024 for Central Government Employees and Pensioners, With this 4
percent increase, DA will reach to 50% level. The CPI-IW index in the December
month will confirm the exact digit of DA and DR from January 2024.
Q: What is the latest update for DA for central government employees?
Ans: Current Rate of DA from July 2023 is 46 percent. Expected Rate of
DA from Jan 2024 is 50 percent.
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